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Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) Test

Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) Test

The OCA Personality Test and complimentary results consultation are absolutely free with no obligation—it’s simply a great opportunity to learn more about you.


While the hope for spiritual freedom is ancient, what Scientology is doing is new. The way it is organized is new. The technologies with which it can bring about a new state of being in Man are likewise new.

Because Scientology addresses Man as a spiritual being, it stands completely apart from other fields which see Man as a product of his environment or his genes—fixed in the limitations under which he was born.

In contrast, Scientology is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life. Based upon the tradition of 50 thousand years of thinking men, it is built upon the fundamental truths of life.

From these principles, exact methods by which one can improve conditions were derived. And unlike other efforts of improvement, which offered only rules by which men should live, Scientology offers real tools for use in everyday life. Thus, it does not depend upon a system of beliefs or faith.

In Scientology, the emphasis is squarely on an exact application of its principles toward the improvement of one’s life and the world in which we live.